Vehicle Fire In Merrill Damages Nearby Structures, Home And Family Spared

TOWN OF MERRILL – Around 2:30 AM Monday Morning February 3rd, three units from the Merrill Fire Department were dispatched to a reported car fire near a home on River Rd in the Town of Merrill. While enroute, the fire spread to a deluxe ice shanty and an attached garage nearby. Upon arrival firefighters successfully contained the blaze, keeping it from spreading to the home. The garage sustained some damage, however, the vehicle and ice shanty are a complete loss. Thankfully the owner of the home had heard a noise and went to check what it was when discovered the fire, otherwise the loss of property and even life could have been much greater. Merrill fire crews returned later in the morning as the ice shanty had reignited. The car fire remains under investigation but is considered unintentional. No injuries were reported, and the family remained in their home.

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