LINCOLN COUNTY – During the most recent Lincoln County Public Safety Committee meeting held on Wednesday Nov 13, County Coroner Valerie Caylor reported that the past month was the busiest since she has taken office. Caylor said there were 41 reported deaths, 35 cremation reports, three accidents, nine death certificates issued and nine formal death investigations. Caylor also reported that a letter has been sent to the Postmaster encouraging postal carriers to be more aware of mail accumulating in residential mailboxes, prompting the possibility of the need for a wellness…

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Merrill Area Public Schools Promotes Awareness and Support for Homelessness

MERRILL – November is National Homelessness Awareness Month, and Merrill Area Public Schools is reminding local residents to raise awareness and support surrounding this ever-growing issue. The homeless community includes more than just those living outdoors and facing the elements. The McKinney-Vento Act defines homelessness as lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. Folks staying in their cars, in shelters or motels, or temporarily staying with others due to hardship are also considered homeless.

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