Merrill Police Department Report: Week Ending August 11

MERRILL – The Merrill Police Department responded to 13 incidents last week. There were five calls for disorderly conduct, and one call for public drunkenness where a man who was found passed out behind the wheel of a vehicle was found to be heavily intoxicated and was placed under arrest for OWI.   There were three reports of theft, one where a caller reported his son had stolen his vehicle.

Officers responded to one report where man with a warrant through the Wisconsin Department of Corrections was present. The individual jumped out of a second story window and fled the scene in a vehicle. The investigation is ongoing.

There was one complaint of a dog running loose in Merrill. The dog was found and returned to its owner who was cited for animal at large 2nd offense. There was one vehicle fire. One report of a missing 3-year-old at the fair resulted in the child being found with a grandparent who had a misunderstanding with the child’s parent.

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