Lincoln County Voters Could Help Determine Funding for Pine Crest in November

LINCOLN COUNTY – A referendum which could allow Lincoln County voters to determine the funding for Pine Crest nursing home going forward this fall is under consideration.

A special joint meeting of the Lincoln County Board’s Administrative and Legislative Committee and Finance Committee took place early Friday morning, August 9. The majority of the hour-long meeting was spent with supervisors discussing actual operational costs for Pine Crest. Initial figures started at $4M, however after giving consideration to increasing costs due to inflation, rising maintenance costs and other factors the amount was increased to $5M. After much discussion regarding the highly qualified nursing home, the resolution was forwarded to the Lincoln County Board by the joint committee for their consideration. If approved, a five year, $25M referendum question would be placed on the November ballot. For this to happen, the resolution needs to be finalized by the end of August.

A vote of 7-2 by the joint committee was reached to send the resolution to the full county board for consideration at their August 20 meeting.

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