Lincoln County Finance And Insurance Committee Meeting Summary

LINCOLN COUNTY – The Lincoln County Finance and Insurance Committee met in the County Service Center on Friday July 12. There was a request to have $50K of contingency Sheriff’s Office 911 software budgeted, as a grant believed to cover the costs was not awarded. Also proposed was a request for $20K to cover expenditures related to the IT components of the Pine Crest transition that were originally planned to be covered from proceeds of the sale of the property, which was voided due to pending litigation. Both requests were…

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Lincoln County Death Team July 8th Meeting Notes

LINCOLN COUNTY – The Lincoln County Death Team held their latest meeting on Monday July 8 in the Land Services Conference Room. County Coroner Valerie Caylor stated that she is seeing an average of 28 deaths per month in Lincoln County, with most of those in the 70 years or older category. Discussions took place during the meeting surrounding potential preventative initiatives specific to postpartum follow up. Those initiatives could include follow up mailings, phone calls and home visits. The team’s next meeting is scheduled for October 14.

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Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office Report Week Ending July 14

LINCOLN COUNTY – Lincoln County Sheriff’s Deputies conducted 42 traffic stops last week. There was a report of one crash with multiple injuries on US Hwy 8 near Honey Rd, in the Township of Wilson. Deputies from both Lincoln and Oneida counties were dispatched to the scene.  There were 33 security checks performed. Deputies also responded to 2 calls involving cars hitting deer and followed up on 14 calls for unsafe driving. The 911 center took seven nuisance calls. There were two hang-up calls.

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